If you are a military veteran who developed erythroderma during or as a result of an event in your service, you may be eligible to collect VA disability. As a recipient of veterans’ disability, you can receive a monthly compensation check and many other perks and benefits.
The challenge with VA disability is filing a convincing appeal that results in a grant of benefits. VA is strict with its requirements and has a reputation for being unpredictable in its handling of appeals. A VA disability advocate can help you submit an appeal that makes your claim clear and maximizes your chances of approval. For a free consultation, call (888) 373-4722.
Filing a Successful VA Disability Appeal for Erythroderma
VA offers a range of benefit levels depending on your condition and how severely it affects your functional capacity. But to receive benefits in the first place, you have to meet several general VA requirements.
The first set of these requirements involves your military service history. To qualify for disability, you must have served on active duty, active duty training, or have qualifying inactive duty training.
You must also be diagnosed with a medical condition that is connected to a specific event or onset during your service. To see if our disability advocates can help you with your appeal for Erythroderma, call (888) 373-4722.
The VA’s Schedule for Rating Disabilities Listing for Erythroderma
Erythroderma has a listing in the VA Schedule for Rating Disabilities. The rating criteria looks at several factors, including whether the condition has caused symptoms beyond the skin, such as weight loss or fever.
Depending on the specifics of your medical evidence and diagnosis, and how your condition impacts your functionality, you could receive anywhere from the maximum to the minimum impairment rating for erythroderma. The schedule listing spells out exactly what your diagnosis must include for you to receive a certain rating.
Call (888) 373-4722 today for a free consultation.
Winning Your VA Disability Appeal for Erythroderma
A VA disability advocate can help you file a successful appeal and receive a grant of VA disability benefits for erythroderma. To have the best chance of a favorable outcome, your appeal needs to show that:
- You have been diagnosed with erythroderma
- You went through a specific event in your military service that caused you to become injured or ill or that your condition began in the service
- There is a medical nexus between the event and your diagnosis
Diagnosis of Erythroderma
Your appeal must include ample evidence of an erythroderma diagnosis.
An Event in Your Military Service
You must be able to identify a specific event, exposure or onset from your military service.
A Nexus Between the Two
Your appeal must include medical evidence that a nexus exists between the in-service event, exposure or onset and your current diagnosis. In other words, it must be at least as likely as not that the event led to the condition.
Receive a free VA disability consultation today by calling (888) 373-4722.
A VA Disability Advocate Can Help You Receive a Grant of Disability Benefits
A VA disability advocate can help you not only receive a grant of benefits but also collect the most in compensation for which you are eligible. The VA impairment rating scale runs from 0 to 100% in increments of 10%, and each rating on the scale corresponds to a monthly benefit level. The rating criteria for erythroderma explains what conditions you must meet to receive a rating at each level on the scale.
The VA disability compensation scale with corresponding compensation levels as of December 2019 for a single Veteran with no dependents is:
- 0% rating: $0 per month
- 10% rating: $142.29 per month
- 20% rating: $281.27 per month
- 30% rating: $435.69 per month
- 40% rating: $627.61 per month
- 50% rating: $893.43 per month
- 60% rating: $1,131.68 per month
- 70% rating: $1,426.17 per month
- 80% rating: $1,657.80 per month
- 90% rating: $1,862.96 per month
- 100% rating: $3,106.04 per month
To receive a 100% rating for erythroderma, you must show evidence of generalized involvement of the skin with systemic manifestations (such as fever, weight loss, or hypoproteinemia), plus one of the following:
- Constant or near-constant systemic therapy such as therapeutic doses of corticosteroids, other immunosuppressive drugs, retinoids, PUVA (psoralen with long-wave ultraviolet-A light), UVB (ultraviolet-B light) treatments, biologics, or electron beam therapy required over the past 12-month period
- No current treatment due to a documented history of treatment failure with two or more treatment regimens.
To receive a 60% rating, you must have generalized involvement of the skin without systemic manifestations and one of the following:
- Constant or near-constant systemic therapy such as therapeutic doses of corticosteroids, other immunosuppressive drugs, retinoids, PUVA, UVB treatments, biologics, or electron beam therapy required over the past 12-month period, OR
- No current treatment due to a documented history of treatment failure with one treatment regimen.
The requirements for a 30% rating are:
Any extent of involvement of the skin, and any of the following therapies required for a total duration of six weeks or more, but not consistently, over the past 12-month period: systemic therapy such as therapeutic doses of corticosteroids, other immunosuppressive drugs, retinoids, PUVA, UVB treatments, biologics, or electron beam therapy.
The requirements for a 10% rating are:
Any extent of involvement of the skin, and any of the following therapies required for a total duration of fewer than 6 weeks over the past 12-month period: systemic therapy such as therapeutic doses of corticosteroids, other immunosuppressive drugs, retinoids, PUVA, UVB treatments, biologics or electron beam therapy.
The requirements for a service connection with a 0% rating include any extent of involvement of the skin, and no more than topical therapy required over the past 12-month period.
Call (888) 373-4722 Today for a Free VA Disability Consultation
A VA disability advocate can help you put together a compelling appeal for benefits. To receive a free consultation call (888) 373-4722.