How You Can Increase Your VA Disability Rating
As a disabled veteran, over time your disability may become worse. When a disabled veterans disability becomes worse they may be eligible for an increased disability rating. This can mean an increase in the amount of VA disability compensation provided monthly to the disabled veteran. Unfortunately, the process to do so can be long and daunting, this is where our team can help.
Connecting Your VA Disabilities
To receive Disabled Veteran Benefits, you must first prove to the VA that your injury or disability was related to your service in the military. Disabled veterans can connect their disability to their military service in a few ways:
Direct service connections: These are conditions that began during or after the veteran was in service due to service-connected activities.
Service connections based on aggravation: These are conditions that were present before the veteran served military time but became aggravated during their time in service.
Secondary service connections: These are conditions that are caused by other service-connected conditions the veteran may have.
Presumptive service connections: These are specific conditions that the Veterans Administration presumes were caused by the circumstances related to the veterans military service.
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Increasing Your VA Benefits
Many times as years go on a disabled veterans condition can easily worsen or they may see new conditions arise like arthritis or heart disease. This is when the disabled veteran can file a claim to the VA for an increase in their benefits. The veteran must have evidence that proves their conditions have worsened.
When a disabled veteran files a VA cliam for secondary conditions this can increase their combined ratings which would then increase their monthly VA disability benefits.
The Next Steps To Take
The experienced team at Disabled Vets are here to help assess your VA disability claim. You do not have to go into this alone. We are here if your medical condition worsens or if your rating has been incorrectly determined and you are looking to appeal. Call us today at 1-888-373-4722 or click here to get in contact with us now.
Call 1-888-373-4722 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form
Read More Here
- Types Of VA Disabilities
- VA Disability Compensation Rates
- What Is TDIU and How Can I Get It?
- SSDI For Veterans
- Can My Spouse Receive My VA Disability After I Die?
- The Easiest Way to a 100% VA Disability Rating
- VA Benefits For Spouses of 100% Disabled Veterans
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