Will a Government Shutdown Affect My VA Disability?
When you’re reliant on VA disability benefits for living expenses and medical care, the threat of a government shutdown can be nerve-racking. Here’s what you need to know about whether and how VA disability benefits could be impacted by a government shutdown.
Will a Government Shutdown Happen?
Once upon a time, government shutdowns–and even the serious risk of a government shutdown–were a rarity. In recent years, though, battles in Congress have led to frequent reports of shutdowns looming. Currently, Congress has until September 30 to iron out a spending bill to avoid a shutdown. Alternatively, legislators could agree on a continuing resolution that would keep the government funded in the short term while they continue to negotiate.
What Happens if Congress Doesn’t Reach an Agreement?
If funding isn’t extended one way or the other by the September 30 deadline, many sections of the government, including the Veterans Administration (VA) will be without the budget to continue some or all of their services.
Fortunately, some core services would continue during a shutdown, including payment of VA disability and pension benefits and VA medical care. However, the VA would not provide full services during a shutdown. For example:
- Career counseling and transition assistance would not be available during a shutdown
- The GI Bill hotline would not be available during a shutdown
- All VA benefits regional offices would be closed during a shutdown
- There would be no public affairs or veteran outreach activities during a shutdown
- Though burials and applications for burial benefits would continue, no permanent headstones would be placed during a shutdown and pre-need burial applications would not be processed
- Presidential memorial certificates would not be printed during a shutdown
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How Would a Government Shutdown Affect My VA Disability Benefits Application?
VA disability benefits applications would still be processed during a shutdown. If you are considering pursuing VA disability benefits, you should go ahead with preparing and submitting your claim without regard to the shutdown. If your claim or appeal is in progress, it will also continue. So, it’s important that you continue to promptly provide any additional information the VA requests, attend C&P exams and otherwise cooperate with the process.
If you need help with your claim or appeal, Disabled Vets is here for you. Our advocates have extensive experience with all aspects of the disability claims and appeals processes, and know how to help you put together the most effective package possible. To learn more, call us at 888-373-4722 or fill out our contact form.
Read More Here:
- Types Of VA Disabilities
- VA Disability Compensation Rates
- What Is TDIU and How Can I Get It?
- Can My Spouse Receive My VA Disability After I Die?
- The Easiest Way to a 100% VA Disability Rating
- VA Benefits For Spouses of 100% Disabled Veterans
- SSDI For Veterans
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