VA Compensation for Sleep Apnea
More than 500,000 U.S.military veterans are receiving VA disability benefits for sleep apnea. It’s the most common respiratory condition people receive veterans disability benefits for. Many other veterans are believed to suffer from undiagnosed sleep apnea, which can significantly increase the risk of certain cardiac issues.
A veteran may receive VA disability benefits for this condtion as either directly related to service or as a secondary to a service-connected condition.
How Much Compensation is Available for Sleep Apnea?
The amount of compensation and other types of veterans disability benefits available for sleep apnea depend on the disability rating assigned. The disability rating depends on the severity of symptoms and the limitations they cause.
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Disability Ratings:
For this condition alone, the VA may assign one of four disability ratings: 0, 30, 50, and 100.
A 0% disability rating is assigned when the veteran has been diagnosed with service-connected sleep apnea but is asymptomatic. At a 0% disability rating, the veteran will not receive monthly compensation but will be entitled to healthcare in connection with the service-connected condition.
A 30% disability rating is assigned when the veteran suffers from persistent daytime hypersomnolence. At the 30% level, the veteran will receive partial compensation (In 2024, $524.31/month) and healthcare for the service-connected condition.
A 50% disability rating is assigned when the veteran requires the use of a breathing assistance device such as a CPAP machine. The veteran will receive partial monthly compensation (In 2024, $1075.16/month) and healthcare services beyond treatment of the service-connected condition.
A 100% disability rating is assigned when the veteran suffers from chronic respiratory failure with carbon dioxide retention or cor pulmonale or requires tracheostomy. At the 100% level, the veteran receives monthly compensation (In 2024, $3,737.5/month) and healthcare. Qualifying dependents may also be entitled to medical and educational benefits.
Sleep Apnea Combined with Other Service-Connected Conditions
If sleep apnea is a secondary service-connected condition or the veteran simply has additional service-connected disabilities, the VA uses a formula to arrive at a combined disability rating.
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Get the Help You Need with Your VA Sleep Apnea Claim
Securing veterans disability benefits for this condition and ensuring that you receive the proper disability rating takes work. It’s your responsibility to prove that the condition is service-connected and to provide sufficient medical documentation to support the appropriate disability rating.
Whether you’re just preparing a claim or want to appeal a denial or a disability rating you believe is too low, Disabled Vets is here for you. To learn more about how our experienced advocates can help, call (888) 373-4722 or fill out our contact form right now.
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