Filing a VA Claim for Secondary Service Connections
Secondary service connections are often overlooked when a veteran is pursuing VA disability benefits. Sometimes, that’s because it isn’t obvious to the veteran that the secondary condition is related to the service-connected condition. But, there are good reasons to educate yourself about what a secondary service connection is and consider whether additional conditions should be added to your claim.
What is a Secondary Service Connection?
You probably know that to receive VA disability benefits, you must show that your medical condition is service-connected. A secondary service connection applies when the condition isn’t directly connected to your military service but can be connected to a service-connected condition.
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Establishing a Secondary Service Connection
To establish a secondary service connection, a veteran must show that:
- They suffer from a service-connected condition
- They suffer from the condition they are claiming as secondary
- There is a connection between the service-connected condition and the secondary condition
For example, hypertension puts a person at greater risk for certain other medical events and conditions, including heart attack and stroke. If a veteran with service-connected hypertension suffers a stroke years after leaving military service, the stroke likely won’t be considered directly service-connected. But, if the veteran can show a connection between the service-connected condition and the stroke, it may be considered secondarily connected.
A veteran may also be able to show a secondary service connection if treatment for a service-connected condition caused the secondary condition, or if the service-connected condition significantly aggravated a non-connected condition.
Why Secondary Service Connections Matter
You may think that if you’ve already been approved for VA disability based on one or more service-connected conditions, it’s not important to include everything. Remember, though, that the amount and type of VA disability benefits you receive depend on your VA disability rating. Secondary conditions can increase your benefits by increasing your disability rating.
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The Burden is on the Veteran to Show a Secondary Service Connection
Presumptive secondary service connections are very rare–in fact, there are just two. In all other cases, it’s up to the veteran to provide evidence–usually including a nexus letter from a medical professional–establishing the connection between the service-connected condition and the secondary condition. The team of experienced VA disability benefits advocates at Disabled Vets can help. To learn more, call 888-373-4722 right now, or fill out our contact form.
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