When PTSD Becomes Deadly Post-traumatic stress disorder or PTSD can increase a veteran’s risk for suicide or attempted suicide. When this becomes deadly, know how you can help save their lives by knowing the signs to look for and how to get them the treatment they need. The United States Department of Veterans Affairs is …
VA Rating: Rheumatoid Arthritis
VA Rating: Rheumatoid Arthritis Rheumatoid arthritis can be debilitating. Since rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease, you might not think of it as a condition that may be service-connected. But, certain toxic exposures are associated with rheumatoid arthritis. If you can establish that your condition is service-connected, you may receive VA disability benefits for rheumatoid …
Veterans Facts: CRDP v. CRSC
Learn the Facts: CRDP v. CRSC Most veterans who qualify for both military retired pay and VA disability pay have choices to make. That’s because, in most situations, a veteran cannot receive full benefits from both programs. Concurrent retirement and disability pay (CRDP) and combat-related special compensation (CRSC) are two separate provisions that can increase …
Burn Pits: Presumptive Conditions
Burn Pits: Presumptive Conditions If you’re a veteran who got sick due to burn pit exposure during your military service, you may have tried unsuccessfully to secure VA disability benefits. For a long time, there were no conditions presumptively service-connected for those exposed to burn pits. Then, there were just three. Now, however, the VA …
Appealing a 70% VA Disability Rating to Secure a 100% Rating
Appealing a 70% VA Disability Rating to Secure a 100% Rating When a veteran applies for benefits from VA, the agency will assign a rating based on the severity of the applicant’s disability. The VA will rate a disability from 0% to 100% in 10% increments. Applicants may be paid additional amounts when they have …
Veterans with Sleep Apnea: Why You Should File for Disability Benefits NOW
Veterans with Sleep Apnea: Why You Should File for Disability Benefits NOW Big changes may be coming in the VA disability rating benefits for sleep apnea, and those changes could significantly reduce the compensation available for some veterans. But, those changes will only impact veterans who haven’t yet been rated when the change takes place. …
VA Ratings for Rhinitis
VA Ratings for Rhinitis Rhinitis is presumed service-connected for many veterans, including those who were exposed to burn pits and others who served in areas where they were exposed to other fine particles in the air. Of course, establishing a service connection is only part of the VA disability claims process. It’s also up to …
How to Use A Buddy Letter for Your VA Disability Claim
How to Use A Buddy Letter for Your VA Disability Claim If you’re filing a claim for VA disability benefits, you probably know that you’ll need to submit evidence such as proof of your military service and medical records. But, you may not be aware of the full range of opportunities available to help establish …
How You Can Increase Your VA Disability Rating
How You Can Increase Your VA Disability Rating As a disabled veteran, over time your disability may become worse. When a disabled veterans disability becomes worse they may be eligible for an increased disability rating. This can mean an increase in the amount of VA disability compensation provided monthly to the disabled veteran. Unfortunately, the …
VA Disability for Asthma
VA Disability for Asthma Asthma is a common medical condition in the United States, but it’s even more common among combat veterans. One study determined that service members who served in combat were 24-30% more likely to develop asthma than those who had not been deployed. Veterans with this service-connected condition may qualify for VA …
Filing a VA Claim for Secondary Service Connections
Filing a VA Claim for Secondary Service Connections Secondary service connections are often overlooked when a veteran is pursuing VA disability benefits. Sometimes, that’s because it isn’t obvious to the veteran that the secondary condition is related to the service-connected condition. But, there are good reasons to educate yourself about what a secondary service connection …
Differences Between VA Disability and SSD
Differences Between VA Disability and SSD A disabled veteran may be eligible for both VA disability and Social Security disability (SSD) benefits, and you can receive both types of benefits simultaneously. However, the two programs work very differently, from how you qualify to how your benefits are determined. Here are the key differences you should …
100% Disabled Veterans Spousal Benefits
100% Disabled Veterans Spousal Benefits The VA provides benefits to spouses of veterans with a 100% VA disability rating. These benefits may include additional monthly compensation as well as healthcare and educational benefits for the disabled veterans dependents. Also, if your partner with the 100% disability rating passes, you may be eligible for other VA …
How Does the VA Rate Back Pain?
How Does the VA Rate Back Pain? Back problems are common among veterans, and many qualify the veteran for a VA disability rating and the associated veterans disability benefits. But “back pain” isn’t a medical condition. How the VA determines a disability rating for back problems will depend on the service-connected condition (or secondary-connected condition) …
How Does Back Pay Work for VA Disability?
How Does Back Pay Work for VA Disability? You probably know that getting your VA disability claim approved can take some time–especially if you have to go through an appeal. The good news is that if your claim is ultimately approved, you’ll get benefits starting from the effective date of your claim, not the date …
How to Win Your VA Disability Claim
How to Win Your VA Disability Claim If you’re a disabled veteran, VA disability benefits can make a big difference in your life. But, receiving those benefits in a timely manner and securing the amount of benefits you deserve depends on you. The best thing you can do to make sure you submit the strongest, …
How to Conquer Your Veterans C&P Exam
How to Conquer Your Veterans C&P Exam If you’ve filed a claim for VA disability and you’ve been scheduled for a veterans C&P exam, you may be nervous about how to handle the exam. The first step is to learn about what a C&P exam is, why it’s scheduled, and what is expected of you. …
SSDI for Veterans
SSDI for Veterans Many disabled veterans qualify for Social Security Disability benefits (SSD), either alone or in addition to veterans disability benefits. The two types of benefits don’t affect each other, so if you qualify for both, you can significantly increase your monthly benefits. And, if you don’t qualify for VA disability benefits you may …
VA Disability after Burn Pit Exposure
VA Disability after Burn Pit Exposure If you are one of the approximately 4 million U.S. military veterans who were exposed to burn pits during your military service, you probably have questions. Here’s what you need to know about burn pits, how exposure can harm you, and which veterans have a presumptive service connection for …
VA Compensation For Sleep Apnea – Disabled Vets
VA Compensation for Sleep Apnea More than 500,000 U.S.military veterans are receiving VA disability benefits for sleep apnea. It’s the most common respiratory condition people receive veterans disability benefits for. Many other veterans are believed to suffer from undiagnosed sleep apnea, which can significantly increase the risk of certain cardiac issues. A veteran may …