Victoria Rose Gorby was born in Bridgeport, West Virginia, and raised by Dr. Bruce and Susie Gorby, a family physician and science teacher, respectively. Victoria’s parents taught her the value of working hard and helping other people, which has helped shape her career path. Victoria graduated Cum Laude from West Virginia Wesleyan College with degrees in Chemistry, Biology, and Philosophy. While at Wesleyan, Victoria was a member of the Lady Bobcat Golf team, a member of the Student Athletic Advisory Committee, and a Philanthropy Chair for the Alpha Xi Delta sorority, where she was heavily involved with the autism advocacy organization, Autism Speaks.
Upon graduation, Victoria moved to Charleston, SC to attend the Charleston School of Law. In law school, she served as a student ambassador and Orientation Chair. Victoria’s passion for helping others can be seen through her volunteer work at the Domestic Violence Clinic, the Charleston County Adult Guardianship Assistance and Monitoring Program, as well as a Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program, which provides free income tax returns to hardworking taxpayers.
Soon after getting sworn into the Bar, she began practicing Veterans Disability Law. She has been successful in helping over a thousand Veteran’s maximize their VA disability benefits. Her practice area specializes in assisting with VA unemployability claims and in complex service connection claims – including Agent Orange cases and mental health cases, such as military sexual trauma and PTSD. She has represented Veterans before the Regional Office and the Board of Veterans Affairs. She is a member of the South Carolina Bar, the West Virginia Bar, the West Virginia Veterans and Military Affairs Committee, and the National Organization of Veterans Affairs. She was also a presenter at the 2020 and 2021 West Virginia Day of Service CLE program.
As the proud granddaughter of Bronze Star recipient, U.S. Army Master Sergeant Kenneth L. Gorby, she feels extremely fortunate to be able to help veterans just like him get the disability payments they deserve.
In her spare time, she loves whitewater rafting, skiing, and exploring the outdoors. She also enjoys playing with all her animals – two golden retrievers, two bunny rabbits, and a kitten. But her favorite thing is making memories with her daughter, Willow Rose