Dependency and Indemnity (DIC) Compensation Rates for 2024
Dependency and indemnity compensation (DIC) is a benefit the VA pays to surviving dependents of certain military service members or veterans.DIC benefits can be a big help to surviving spouses and children of disabled veterans who have passed away. But qualifications can be complicated. And, DIC is separate from VA disability benefits for veterans, so benefit amounts differ.
Who Qualifies for DIC?
There are separate criteria for the veteran and the dependent, and both must be met for a surviving dependent to receive DIC benefits.
Veteran Criteria
A qualifying veteran is one who:
- Died on active duty or during military training, or
- Died due to a service-connected condition, or
- Did not die during military service or due to a service-connected condition, but had been entitled to receive 100% veterans disability benefits or TDIU for a qualifying period
The qualifying period may be any of the following:
- At least 10 years leading up to the veteran’s death, or
- At least five years leading up to the veteran’s death, if that covers the full period since release from military service, or
- At least one year leading up to the veteran’s death for POWs who died after September 30, 1999
If the veteran meets the above qualifications, the next step is to determine whether each dependent seeking DIC benefits qualifies.
Dependent Criteria
Dependent qualifications differ depending on the type of dependent. For a surviving spouse to qualify for DIC benefits, they must have lived continuously with the veteran until the time of their death, unless they were separated through no fault of the surviving spouse. In addition, one of the following criteria must be met:
- The surviving spouse married the veteran within 15 years of their discharge from the period of military service during which the qualifying injury occurred or medical condition started or worsened, or
- The surviving spouse was married to the veteran for at least one year, or
- The surviving spouse had a child with the veteran
A dependent child has a separate set of criteria. To qualify for DIC benefits the child of a veterans must be unmarried and be:
- Under the age of 18, or
- Between the ages of 18 and 23 and attending a qualifying educational program, or
- Over 18 but had been deemed permanently incapacitated before the age of 18
It’s also important to note that a child who is included in the DIC compensation received by a surviving spouse is not entitled to separate compensation.
A parent of the veteran may qualify for DIC benefits if:
- They are the biological, adoptive or foster parent of the qualifying deceased veteran, and
- They meet income qualifications
Dependency and Indemnity Compensation Rates
DIC for a Surviving Spouse
In 2024, the monthly dependency and indemnity compensation benefit for a surviving spouse is $1,612.75. Depending on the circumstances, the surviving spouse may also qualify for additional amounts. For example:
- If the veteran was rated 100% disabled or classified as TDIU for a period of at least 8 years and the surviving spouse was married to the veteran for at least that same 8-year period, there is an additional monthly benefit–in 2024, it’s $342.46.
- If the surviving spouse qualifies for Aid and Attendance due to a disability, they can receive another addition to the monthly benefit–in 2024, it’s $399.54
- If the surviving spouse is housebound due to a disability, there’s another possible addition to the monthly benefit–in 2024, it’s $187.17
There is also an additional monthly benefit for each child under the age of 18, and a transitional benefit for the first two years after the veteran’s death. In 2024, the monthly per-child benefit amount is $399.54, and the monthly transitional benefit is $342.00.
So, the surviving spouse alone with no special benefits would receive $1,612.75/month. With two qualifying children under 18, that amount would be increased to $2,753.83 for the first two years ($1,612.75 + $399.54 for the first child + $399.54 for the second child + $342.00 for the monthly transitional benefit). After the first two years, that amount would be decreased by $342.00, for a total benefit of $2,411.83.
*Note that surviving spouse benefits are calculated differently if the veteran died before January 1, 1993.
DIC for Dependent Children
Benefits for dependent children under the age of 18 are calculated differently if there is no surviving spouse who qualifies for DIC. In that case, the benefit amount in 2024 is:
- $680.94 for one child
- $979.58 ($489.70/child) for two children
- $1,278.27 ($429.06/child) for three children
The amount per child continues to decline up to nine children. With nine children, the total amount of benefits is $2,735.73 ($303.97/child). For each additional child, the additional benefit is $242.91/month.
Benefits are paid directly to dependent children over the age of 18. In 2024, the benefit amounts are:
- $338.49/month for a child aged 18-23 who is in a qualifying school program
- $680.94/month for a child who became incapacitated before the age of 18
DIC for Surviving Parents
Benefits for surviving parents are different in that they are only available based on the parents’ income level. The calculation is more complicated, and is capped at relatively low levels of income. For example, if only one parent is alive and that parent is not remarried and has an annual income of $5,000, they’ll receive $463.00/month. But if that same parent has annual income of $10,000, they’ll receive only $63/month. And, at smaller amounts, compensation may be paid out quarterly, twice a year, or even annually.
Get Help with Your Claim for Dependency and Indemnity Compensation
At Disabled Vets, we understand how important it is for survivors of disabled veterans to receive the compensation they’re entitled to. Fighting for disabled vets and their families is all we do. Whether you’re just applying for benefits, have been denied, or don’t think you’re getting all the benefits you should be receiving, we’re here for you. To learn more about how we can help, call 888-373-4722 right now, or fill out our contact form.