VA Compensation Appeals for Deviated Septum – Everything You Need to Know
A deviated septum can make it difficult to get a good night’s sleep and even breathe. You might also experience nosebleeds and facial pain that can decrease your quality of life. Depending on the severity of your septum deviation, you may require surgery. If your deviated septum resulted from or is related to your military service, you deserve disability benefits.
Unfortunately, getting deviated septum veterans’ benefits is easier said than done. Denials by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs’ (VA) are all too common. However, the road does not need to end here for you. A veterans’ disability advocate can help you file an appeal and get you the disability benefits you deserve.
Call (888) 373-4722 today to get started. The initial consultation is free and there is no obligation.
Causes of a Deviated Septum
While a deviated septum (when the thin wall dividing your nasal passages moves to one side) can be present at birth, it can also result from injury to the nose. For example, you suffered a facial injury during an attack on your unit and the injury caused your septum to move to the left side of your nose.
How VA Rates a Deviated Septum for Veterans Benefits
To determine your amount of monthly compensation, VA issues you a disability rating in tiers of 10 percent up to 100 percent. When it considers your disability, VA consults its rating schedule. You can find the criteria for a deviated septum in the Schedule of Ratings – respiratory system. The criterion is as follows:
10% disability rating: “Traumatic only, with 50% obstruction of the nasal passage on both sides or complete obstruction on one side”
While there is only one rating for a deviated septum, you may be able to receive disability compensation for related conditions, such as sleep apnea.
Compensation to Which You May Be Entitled for Your Condition
As there is only one rating for a deviated septum, you would only be entitled to $142.29 per month — the compensation amount that corresponds with the 10 percent rating. However, if you can obtain compensation for a related or a secondary condition, you may receive a combined disability rating and be entitled to any of the following compensation amounts:
• 10%: $142.29 per month
• 20%: $281.27 per month
• 30%: $435.69 per month
• 40%: $627.61 per month
• 50%: $893.43 per month
• 60%: $1,131.68 per month
• 70%: $1,426.17 per month
• 80%: $1,657.80 per month
• 90%: $1,862.96 per month
• 100%: $3,106.04 per month
A VA disability advocate can help you determine how much compensation you may be eligible to obtain.
How to Obtain Disability Benefits for a Deviated Septum
There are three things all successful appeals must have:
- A current diagnosis of a qualifying condition — You must have proof of a current diagnosis. If necessary, an advocate can get your medical records to provide proof of your diagnosis.
- An in-service event — You must be able to establish that you suffered an event—that occurred during service—which could have caused or contributed to your deviated septum (e.g., an attack that resulted in an injury to the nose).
- A link or nexus between the condition and the event — You must be able to prove there is a medical nexus, or link, between the in-service event and your diagnosis.
Getting Disability Benefits Is Difficult but You Do Not Need to Handle It Alone
Unfortunately, getting disability benefits is often much more difficult than it should be. However, you do not need to handle it alone. If you received a denial of your deviated septum veterans’ benefits claim, or you believe you deserve a higher rating, you have the right to appeal the decision. A veterans’ disability advocate can handle the appeals process for you, ensuring that you meet all necessary deadlines and file a robust appeal that meets all necessary criteria.
Call (888) 373-4722 for veterans’ disability help today. The initial consultation is free!